Picture of The Ashe Memorial Hospital Foundation standing outside smiling.
The Ashe Memorial Hospital Foundation
Never before have we seen the importance and need for strong, local healthcare. Team members at Ashe Memorial Hospital work tirelessly to ensure every member of our community has access to the level of care that our mission requires and our patients deserve.In order to steward investments in community health, the Ashe Memorial Hospital Foundation was established as a nonprofit organization (EIN 58-2078244) in 1992 to support the activities, facilities and mission of Ashe Memorial Hospital. To achieve this, the Foundation conducts a full complement of philanthropic programs, including an annual campaign, memorial gifts, special events, major gifts, capital campaigns, and planned giving.
Under the direction of a volunteer Board of Directors, the Foundation conducts programs and campaigns that generate support through both renewed and new gifts and pledges. Funds are earmarked for capital projects, equipment purchases, and innovative program development. Foundation funds are transferred directly to Ashe Memorial Hospital and represent the donor's interest and support in improving the quality of healthcare in the community.
The Foundation's first fundraising project in 1993 raised $22,982 to help purchase endoscopy equipment. Since that time, funds raised through the Foundation have assisted with various construction and renovation projects at Ashe Memorial include:
Mountain Hearts Wellness Center
The Emergency Department
The Wilma Vannoy Birthing Center
The Jo Anne Poe Cancer Center
Second floor nursing station
Renovation of patient rooms
In addition to construction and renovation, generous donations have assisted with Foundation purchases to include:
Labor and Delivery Equipment
Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Software
Patient infusion chairs
Emergency Department patient monitors
Patient beds
3D Mammography
Tranquility Suite
Acts of generosity help improve the quality of life for people in our community, not only today but into the future.
Through the generous support of grateful patients, family members and donors, we believe we can transform healthcare by enhancing and expanding vital projects, programs and services. Each gift is deeply appreciated and helps our physicians, nurses and staff to provide excellent healthcare using advanced technology and treatment methods.
If you wish to learn more about how you can help the Foundation to support Ashe Memorial Hospital, please call our office at 336-846-0785 or email Becky Pearson at becky.pearson@ashememorial.org.